BEGINNER CALISTHENICS Training: Complete FULL BODY Workout Guide - Exercises & Routines
Complete Workout(s) with Exercises & Routines for ALL muscle groups. Basic/Beginner level of Calisthenics & Bodyweight training. Calisthenics/Bodyweight Exercises (The Basics & Get started working out) including alternative exercises/variation/progression.
Pull ups, chin ups, squats, lunges, sit-ups, leg raises, push ups / shoulder push ups, dips and so on... Routine examples at the end of the video.
To get started, always step by step and basics first. Train at YOUR level. Do NOT do what you can not manage or feel uncomfortable with. Keep it simple and step it up after time.
Female Calisthenics WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2015
Female Calisthenics World Championship 2015 held on July 25th, 2015 in Moscow, Russia!
Athletes from 15 countries met to compete as part of the WSWCF Street Workout World Championship 2015, alongside the male athletes.
Kids workout video
Teach a child how to get in shape with exercises. Maurice takes you through a beginning workout for all ages. It's fun and healthy workout. Join in!
Workout Motivation 2016
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